Take away those restless & aching legs. Warm towels to relax, invigorated with salt scrub and soothed with a therapeutic massage.
Experience a relaxing therapeutic back treatment! Begin with warm linens placed on skin, a gentle cleanse and exfoliation to renew, masque to detoxify then massage to nourish and soften. A facial for your back.
Relaxing yet invigorating, as you are massaged with aromatic sea salts to create a lowing skin renewal finished with a full body hydrating massage.
Customized blended essential oils are added to our detoxifying sea salts and massaged on skin, then you are wrapped in warm layers of linens, as you drift away. Head, neck and scalp are massaged followed by a full body moisturizing massage.
Specialize your Body Treatment with one of these complimentary exotic oil. Choose from Mango Mandarin, Green Tea Lime Leaf or Milk and Honey.
For your whole body, renew your skin and enjoy the rich aromatic emollients of the rose mud that deeply penetrates, accelerates skin renewal, heals, protects, and hydrates. Full body scrub and massage included.
The most effective air brush tan. Given by our spa technician.
Mini express facial, back refresher & spa foot treatment.
1/2 hour therapeutic massage with mini express facial & spa foot treatment.
1 hour massage with stress reliever & full soothing leg treatment.
Hour massage, 30 minute foot detox, & 25 minute infrared sauna session.
Hot Stone Massage, Hot Stone Facial & Hot Stone Spa Foot Treatment.
Hour swedish massage, hot stone facial, spa hand & foot treatment.
One hour massage with hot stone sample, mini exprerss facial & back scrub, spa hand & foot treatment.